Quantum Optics and Photonics

Quantum Optics and Photonics

In my understanding, quantum optics is the study of quantized electromagnetic fields while quantum photonics is the application of light in energy, information transport, process, communication, propagation, and detection or sensing.

In this domain, researchers can design nanophotonic structures for better information processing in scalable quantum computing. Investigating semiconductor quantum dots with nanophotonic structure in a single chip is a very promising research area for constructive solid-state quantum networks. In reality, we emerge ourselves into a digital network, telecommunication becomes ultrafast with the emergence of 5G technology and IoT, quantum cryptography plays an important role in safeguarding our privacy by taking advantage of Quantum Optics and Photonics technology.

In the form of a single photon, eavesdroppers cannot read the information. A Quantum repeaters station is essential to prevent the loss of information in a light-matter quantum interface. It can provide device-independent quantum cryptography protocols, like quantum random number generation and quantum key distribution.
