IELTS Reading

 IELTS Reading

  1. Range of reading skills for

    1. Main Ideas

    2. Gist

    3. Details

    4. Skimming

    5. Understanding logical argument

    6. Recognizing writer's opinion

    7. attitudes  and purpose

  2. Question types

    1. Multiple-choice

    2. sentence or summary completion

    3. Identifying data for short-answer questions

    4. Matching lists or phrases

    5. Identifying writers’ views/attitudes

  3. Read the title and the instructions

    1. Just read and get some ideas

    2. From the title, we can know the category of the article, the context referring to, the reason for writing the article

    3. Read the questions

      1. one question at a time, and then scan the answer

  4. Attention to grammar structure

  5. Skills 

    1. Skim for the gist (the most important)

      1. Skim reading 2000-3000 in 2-3 minutes to stick the text into short-term memory, it questions read start to fade after 3 minutes

      2. Skim the topic sentence of each paragraph, read this slowly

      3. Find keywords, skipping words (words you don't know) and details (names, years, places), small grammar words 

    2. Scanning

      1. Keywords

      2. Paraphrase words

      3. Underline them or highlight them

    3. Speed reading

      1. The main idea first, details next

  6. Write on answer sheet directly

  7. Check your answer and think about why you are wrong

  8. Practice activities

  9. Read the articles and write a short summary, re-read it leather, and add more details to the summary

    1. Write opinion of what is happening in the article

    2. Write a prediction for what will happen in the future

    3. Record the favorite quotes and lines 

    4. Add an extra sentence to every paragraph in the article

  10. Read intensively

    1. Understanding every single word

    2. Guess the meaning of the unknown words

    3. Check dictionary

    4. Know current affairs

    5. Source

      1. Newspapers

      2. Research works

      3. Journals

      4. Books

      5. Magazine

      6. Advertisements

      7. Company guidelines

      8. Brochures

      9. Know the website

        1. Takes the top headlines from hundreds of newspapers and websites. Also allows you to personalize and search news all over the world.

        2. This magazine has been around for 160 years and employs some of the best writers and journalists in the world.

        3. The best and most popular blog for reading music news.

        4. The gold standard for UK news, publicly funded and 100% impartial.

        5. Often considered being the pinnacle of professional journalism.

        6. LIberal-leaning and the most famous news organization in the world.

  11. Read the similar articles over and over

  12. Keep a journal for vocabulary and ideas


IELTS prep tips reading section |

The Basic Steps to Follow on IELTS Reading (to Read Faster!)

How to Read the News and Improve your IELTS Reading Score