What kind of job I should pursue for Quantum Computing

What kind of job I should pursue for Quantum Computing

I have made some effort in search what career I should be in to work in a firm on quantum computing like IBM, Google, Honeywell.

These jobs are based two things:

  1. Your interests
  2. Your capability in research field
If you already know these two and make up your mind to dive in quantum computing, you can consider the following fields and see which one suit you most.

Superconducting Qubit Researchers

Although quantum computer has remarkable progress in coherence and thermalisation, we still need to improve the metrics. Researcher need to have processor improvement by condensed matter physics with quantum engineer. They should have backgrounds in device design and layout, micro-fabrication, process integration, semiconducting chip integration.

Quantum Control Researchers

The researchers are keen on making high fidelity quantum gates, microwave pulse, understanding of optimal control. Besides, they should work on Hamiltonian modelling, dynamical decoupling. They should be in microwave hardware expertise, conditioning and processing the classical microwave signals used to control and readout the superconducting qubit processor.

Quantum Error Correction Researchers

The person who are heavily interested in studying codes and protocols for reliable information storage, processing and transmission of information. They have to devise efficient methods for computing in the presence of realistic rates of control errors.

Quantum Computer Architects

In the workforce, architects will design software stack enable near-term exploration and scientific experiments. It is essential to define abstraction layers and design system for efficiency and scalability. Also, optimising quantum programs, defining user interfaces and benchmarking evolving software framework are crucial. Besides, they need to define connections between classical systems and new quantum systems.

Quantum Complexity Theorists

They will study fundamental strengths and limitations of quantum computing, and to find the precise classes of problems that solved efficiently, and classes of problems that are unlikely to ever have efficient solutions. Theorists have the ability to understand limited computing models inspired by near-term devices, computations that are restricted to circuits with shallow depth.

Quantum Algorithms Researchers

Researchers can explore computational problems that can be solved efficiently by harnessing quantum effects such as quantum randomness and entanglement. They need to investigate polynomial-time quantum algorithms: most powerful form of computation permitted by the law of physics.

Quantum Cryogenic Engineer

The engineers will study and develop the tools for keeping the system cold, expertise in low temperature physics, cryogenic dilution refrigerator operation. They know very well on thermometry techniques and low-temperature engineering / thermalisation and familiarity with thermal modelling. 

Quantum Microwave Engineers

Engineers are responsible to develop the packaging and microwave hygiene that makes high fidelity operation of these devices possible, modelling and simulating complex structures operating in the microwave frequency regime, developing electrical circuits for quantum computing processors. They should have high level of knowledge in electromagnetic modelling tools, HFSS, microwave office, quantum hardware control and packaging. They know how to quantise a microwave circuit into a quantum Hamiltonian.

Quantum FPGA engineers

The engineers devise the tools for running more complex experiments, they should have VHDL experience and FPGA to control and readout microwave signals for qubit control. Besides, they are able to work on analog microwave hardware design.

Quantum Software Developers

Developers focus on user interface, and develop open source SDKs, cloud services, APIs , system software.

Quantum User experience Designers

They concern about quantum community, technical requirements, data driven user research, and conceptual ideas by creating experiences. They start with a hypothesis and then by working with the users (students, researchers, professors, industry clients) 

If you still do not know which position is most resemble to your research interests and ability, you can email to quantum@us.ibm.com. to contact with IBM team. 
