About the Advocate Application and my contribution to the Qiskit Community

Finally, I have submitted the application! 

Advocate Application

This is an application to earn the Advocate badge and get into the Qiskit Advocate Program. It is a global initiative to support most active member in the Qiskit community.  In my guess, It should be held every year, and it welcome all the Qiskit enthusiast to join from all over the world. it may help finding a quantum computing related job in IBM like internship. Below are the examples of contribution: 

Slack support

  1. Well received questions that sparked conversations
  2. Correctly answering an individual question

Awards/Other achievement
  1. Winning an IBM Q Award
  2. Completing all 4 exercises in the IBM Quantum Challenge
  3. Complete final project of Qiskit Global Summer School (Lab work doesn’t count.)

Research / Education
  1. Publishing a research paper using Qiskit
  2. Teaching a course using Qiskit resources (Qiskit textbook, tutorials, etc. )
  3. You can read more about the experience of being a Qiskit Advocate in the announcement blog

 here  and there to go to the website for details. 

My contribution to the Qiskit Community

I try to make my contribution as organised as possible for people and the Qiskit advocate team. I have included some parts with null content is to remind myself that I will fill them in later. It is a good manner to evaluate how far I have been engaging with all Qiskitters these few months. I really appreciate the vibe that we are helping each other to grow, and learn more deeper and smarter. I am looking forward to contributing and makes some changes to field in the near future. 

Slack Support

  1. Well received questions that sparked conversation
    1. I ask questions about quasm_simualtor and statevetor_simulator that sparked conversation of 19 replies Snapp-Image
    2. I ask about the problem in plot_state_hinton that I realise we need to reinstall matplotlib to < 3.3.0 of 14 replies Snapp-Image
    3. I think this one also sparked conversation of 21 replies, this is my freshly attempt to Qiskit when I learn firstly quantum mechanics and quantum computing Snapp-Image
  2. Correctly answering an individual question
    1. Diego Emilio Serrano provide reference link from my conversation to solve the counts in qasm_simulator problem, which might served as answering question Snapp-Image
    2. Kahan Majumdar provide my conversation link to answer the question on plot_state_hinton Snapp-Image
    3. I provide my code to demonstrate how to go through the plot_state_hintonSnapp-Image
    4. I answer a question how to get the real and imaginary component from the state vector by printing it out from the backend state vector_ simulator and then check it Snapp-Image

  1. Setting up a local or virtual Qiskit community
    • This is a discord server I set up with another Qiskit member I met from the live lesson who share one’s profile. We were unfortunate that we could not participate the lab lesson and could not get into the official server, we tried to make one who are also unfortunate and be able to keep up with the pace of the summer school. We tried to organise the resource and learning material in a more proper way by setting up categories and channels. We had some constructive conversation about the content before taking the lesson. However, after the summer school, I devote all of my time in doing the advocate test and the slack community and I seldom engage in discord. I realise that it is very hard to create a productive vibe in the community constantly and also it takes responsibility to engage with the community, that make me think the official discord must do a very great job.
    • Discord server: qiskit avengers: https://discord.gg/QFnkqr

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