Episode 19 What is filter ?


Episode 19 What is a filter?

is there alternative exercise for lip trills
lips trill is supposed to be a good semi-occluded (block) exercise
why do lips work?
increase breath support by limiting the airflow, steady air with note changing, regulating the breath
block the mouth, semi-occluded, occlusion is a block, partially blocked
chest voice, cords come together thickly, the air moves outward out of the mouth, sing very open mouth, with no occlusion no filter, will go more chest dominant and things are going to get tighter
head voice the cord thin out and the air moves back into the head, sing into the head, loosen my vocal cord and go to higher notes with greater ease
with lots of filters

filtering helps head resonance


V bottom lip blocking the mouth
Z tongue touching the hard palate

nasal consonants
M lips
N tongue
Ng back of the tongue, ceiling with the soft palate blocking the mouth putting the air up into the head near the eye

tongue trills block the mouth and little getting out

u vowel
I vowel back of the tongue