IBDP Physics


International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) 

IBDP is a rigorous pre-university course of study for students at the age from 16 to 19. The broad-based two-year curriculum is to facilitate students to be knowledgeable, inquiring, caring and compassionate.  

IB Physics

It is a course for students to gain the awareness of how scientists work and communicate with each other in order to explain from the most fundamental natural phenomena of the universe and particles to engineer the natural material for the advancement of technology. All various forms of scientific methodology emphasise a practical approach through experimental work which requires manipulating skills, design investigation, collecting data, analysing results and evaluating and communicating the findings.

Education Value (concept-based teaching and learning to foster critical thinking)

  1. investigation  - Nature of science

  2. Inquiry-based learning - approaches to learning

  3. Internal assessment - skills in the study of physics

Students can only study one course in maths as part of their diploma

  1. Science Physics SL

  2. Science Physics HL

Both SL and HL share 95 hours of common SL content. 

Learning Outcome

After taking the course, students will be able to

  1. Appreciate scientific study and creativity within a global context through stimulating and challenging opportunities

  2. Acquire a body of knowledge, methods and techniques that characterise science and technology 

  3. Apply and use a body of knowledge, methods and techniques that characterise science and technology

Current Curriculum model Overview (till 2024)

Core 95

  1. Measurements and Uncertainties 5

  2. Mechanics 22

  3. Thermal Physics 11

  4. Waves 15

  5. Electricity and Magnetism 15

  6. Circular Motion and Gravitation 5

  7. Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics 14

  8. Energy Production 8

Additional Higher Level 60

  1. Wave Phenomena 17

  2. Fields 11

  3. Electromagnetic Induction 16

  4. Quantum and Nuclear Physics 16

Option 25

  1. Relativity 25

  2. Engineering Physics 25

  3. Imaging 25

  4. Astrophysics 25

Practical Scheme of Work 60

  1. Prescribed and other practical activities 40

  2. Individual Investigation (internally assessed) 10

  3. Group 4 project 10


A. Space, Time and Motion 27 42

  1. Kinematics

  2. Forces and Momentum

  3. Work, Energy and Power

  4. Rigid Body Mechanics (HL only)

  5. Galilean and Special Relativity  (HL only)

B. The Particulate Nature of Matter 24 32

  1. Thermal Energy Transfers

  2. Greenhouse Effect

  3. Gas Laws

  4. Thermodynamics  (HL only)

  5. Current and Circuits

C. Wave Behaviour 17 29

  1. Simple Harmonic Motion

  1. Wave Model

  2. Wave Phenomena

  3. Standing Waves and Resonance

  4. Doppler Effect

D. FieldsPractical Scheme of Work 19 38

  1. Gravitational Fields

  2. Electric and Magnetic Fields

  3. Motion in Electromagnetic Fields

  1. Induction  (HL only)

E. Nuclear and Quantum Physics 23 39

  1. Structure of the Atom

  2. Quantum Physics  (HL only)

  3. Radioactive Decay

  4. Fission

  5. Fusion and Stars

Experimental Program 40 60

  1. Practical Work

  2. Collaborative Sciences Project

  3. Scientific Investigation

The group 4 Project

It is a collaborative activity of 4 students with different subjects within or between schools to work together in making new ideas or solving real-world problems. By doing this, students are encouraged to appreciate the environmental, social and ethical implications of science and technology via interdisciplinary cooperation and the scientific process. 

Assessment Model (no-routine, open-ended, real-world problems)

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding

    1. Facts, concepts and terminology

    2. Methodologies and techniques

    3. Communicating scientific information

  2. Apply

    1. Facts, concepts and terminology

    2. Methodologies and techniques

    3. Methods of communicating scientific information

  3. Formulate, analyse and evaluate

    1. Hypotheses, research questions and predictions

    2. Methodologies and Techniques

    3. Primary and Secondary data

    4. Scientific Explanations

    5. Trends, patterns and prediction

  4. Demonstrate the appropriate research, experimental, and personal skills

    1. To carry out insightful and ethical investigations



Time (hr) and weighing (%)


SL (3hrs & 80%)

SL (3hrs & 80%)

HL (4.5hrs & 80%)

HL (4.5hrs & 80%)

Paper 1

30 Multiple Choice Questions

Paper 1A: Multiple Choice Questions

Paper 1B: Data-based Questions

0.75 hr & 20%

1.5 hrs & 36 %

1 hr & 20%

2.5 hrs & 36%

Paper 2

Short Answer

Extended Response Questions

1.25 hr & 40%

1.5 hrs & 44%

2.25 hr & 36%

2.5 hrs & 44%

Paper 3

Data and practical based questions

Short Answer

Extended Response Questions 

1 hr & 20%


1.25 hr & 24%



Write up 6 to 12 pages

Maximum 3,000 words 

10 hrs & 20%

10 hrs & 20%

10 hrs & 20%

10 hrs & 20%

Assessment and Activities

  1. Worksheets

  2. Problem Sets

  3. Quizzes

  4. Discussion Forum

  5. Email

  6. Regular Live Lessons


Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE

Texas Instrument TI-Nspire (a non CAS version)

Physics in the DP - International Baccalaureate®

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Subject Brief - Sciences: Physics—Standard level

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Subject Brief - Sciences: Physics—Higher level

Sciences: Physics (2025)

May 2022 examination schedule

Adapted assessment for 2021 and 2022

Use of Calculators in Examinations 2020 - version 1.0