International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) 

IBDP is a rigorous pre-university course of study for students at the age from 16 to 19. The broad-based two-year curriculum is to facilitate students to be knowledgeable, inquiring, caring and compassionate.  

IB Maths

Students can only study one course in maths as part of their diploma

  1. Analysis and Approaches SL

  2. Analysis and Approaches HL

  3. Application and Interpretations SL 

  4. Application and Interpretations HL

Both AI and AA share 60 hours of common SL content. 


  1. Number and Algebra

  1. Functions

  2. Geometry and Trigonometry

  3. Probability and Statistics

  4. Calculus

Education Value

  1. investigation 

  2. Inquiry-based learning

  3. Internal assessment

Learning Outcome

After taking the course, students will be able to

  1. Develop mathematical knowledge, concepts and principles

  2. Develop logical, critical and creative thinking 

  3. Employ and refine their powers of abstraction and generalisation 

Analysis and Approaches

It is a course for students to gain a good level of mathematics in exploring reald and abstract applications of mathematical concepts by problem solving and generalisation. This course can scaffold students to further study subjects which require sufficient mathematical background, such as economics, geography and chemistry. It has a strong emphasis on calculus and theoretical approaches. 

Expected learning Endeavour




Number of Units



Number of Lessons



Study hour

5-6 hours / week

7-10 hours / week

Applications and Interpretations

It is a course for students to gain in-depth knowledge of mathematics in the applied nature to solve real life problems, which involves biology, human sciences and business. It has a strong emphasis on modelling and on using probability and statistics in practical scenarios. 

Expected learning Endeavour




Number of Units



Number of Lessons



Study hour

5-6 hours / week

7-10 hours / week

Assessment Model (no-routine, open-ended, real-world problems)

  1. Knowledge and Understanding

    1. Recognise and understand maths in various familiar and unfamiliar context 

  2. Problem Solving

    1. Apply maths to both abstract and real-world contexts by analysis, modelling

  3. Communication and Interpretation

    1. Transform contexts into mathematics

    2. Comment on context

    3. Sketch or draw diagrams on paper and using technology

    4. Record methods, solutions and conclusions using standardised notation

    5. Use appropriate notation and terminology

  4. Technology

    1. Accurately, appropriately and efficiently to explore new ideas and solve problems

  5. Reasoning

    1. Construct mathematical arguments through use of precise statements, logical deduction and inference and by the manipulation of mathematical expressions

  6. Inquiry Approaches

    1. Investigate unfamiliar situations by organising and analysing information, making conjecture, drawing conclusions, and testing their validity. 



Time (hr) and weighing (%)




Paper 1

Technology not allowed

Section A: compulsory short-response questions

Section B: compulsory extended-response questions

1.5 hr & 40%

2 hr & 30%

Paper 2

Technology allowed

Section A: compulsory short-response questions

Section B: compulsory extended-response questions

1.5 hr & 40%

2 hr & 30%

Paper 3

Technology allowed

compulsory extended-response 

problem -solving questions


1 hr & 20%


15hrs & 20%

15hrs & 20%

Assessment and Activities

  1. Worksheets

  2. Problem Sets

  3. Quizzes

  4. Discussion Forum

  5. Email

  6. Regular Live Lessons


Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE

Texas Instrument TI-Nspire (a non CAS version)


International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Subject Brief - IB AA 

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Subject Brief - IB AI 

Key IB Assessment Dates M2022

Adapted assessment for 2021 and 2022

Use of Calculators in Examinations 2020 - version 1.0