Episode 26 "Baritone Curse"- Voice Lessons To The World

Do we have baritone, are we doomed not to sing high?

1. Baritone Curse

speaking Voice Vs Singing Voice

People with a low speaking voice doesn't mean to be a baritone or even someone believe that with a low voice are doomed to not sing some exciting high pitch song. Some people with low speaking voice, but it turns out that he is a tenor.

Classification by others

We are mostly be classified by yourself or others to believe that you are baritone simply by listening to your speaking pitch or your ability to sing high note or not. 

Difficulties doesn't determine voice type

However, it may also depend on your vocal mechanics and registration  to sing higher note, like using head voice, mix voice, breathing, vowel modulation, yodelling, etc.

Opera Vs Contemporary

Also, there are many types of singer, like lyric baritone, basso profondo, dramatic tenor, lyric tenor.  Voice needs to be projected to the orchestra, also voice can have many meaning. For contemporary music, there are pop, R&B, rock. For a person sing as a baritone in opera can at the same time sing high vocal coordination in contemporary music and microphone.

Only Exploring One Register

For the knowledge that we know about baritone may only exploring one register, like chest voice or falsetto. Therefore, we need to develop more register. So this become the element to having the curse.

How to break the cruse

Everybody sing tenor in pop, with a high, authentic, chesty sounding note
develop registration between chest voice and falsetto your head voice. The key is to develop a good mix coordinations.


Develop the registration between chest voice and falsetto or mix so you can extend your range in higher and higher and a healthy manner. It is sound like chest voice, but not chest voice (mix voice). 

Don't Neglect falsetto and head voice

We need to facilitate flexibility by doing falsetto, lip trill, filters.

Don’t push the middle voice too loud

If we push the middle note too loud, we cannot probably hit the high note. Keep the middle note too loud causes us cannot hang on to all that weight and even block the quality of sound as a tenor we want to be. 

use nasal resonance 

Make sure to use that resonance in the middle, in the upper middle, we need to use it in the middle voice and to the high voice. We have to be ready to have a good quality in high note, so we need to get prepared for the middle note with the resonance. 

It is okay to be wussy

Baritone used to speak and sing pretty full and thick. Having a wuss, a bit breathy sound, it is okay to do it (like Eason Chan) as one of the coordination.

it is great to be cursed

Nowadays, so many people singing high note, we need more variety of registration. We can develop a nice rich baritone register, we just be better off. It is okay no need to belt high.