Quantum Internet of Things

 Quantum Internet of Things

It is envisioned that quantum computers will impact the landscape of AI and data analysis, this helps us solve some of the biggest and most complex challenges we face. 

Quantum computing devices can help us solve the problems that traditional computers can be reached, researchers and scientists put their endeavors into creating universal, fault-tolerant, scalable quantum computers and have been making remarkable progress just within this decade. With the generation of a tremendous amount of data over the globe, the combination of IoT and quantum computers may provide better information processing with the highest security in nature at the same time.

Internet of Things refers to the general idea of things that are readable, recognizable, locatable, addressable, and/or controllable via the internet, so IoTs help in facilitating the digital transformation of an enterprise. It involves an actuator, sensor, wireless network, end-user, and data, they interact with each other. In a smart city, a lot of systems will be interconnected to make everything work seamlessly, from your mobile phone to building services, from self-driving cars to traffic lights, from logistics of automatic-guided vehicles to the integration of public transportation networks, even to many industries like healthcare, retail, finance, education. It is forecasted that 40 billion IoT devices will be installed by consumers, companies, and governments globally (by Business Insider Intelligence).  

Several related fields will be influenced by quantum computing:

  1. Optimization of computing power

  2. Computing models

  3. Network latency 

  4. Interoperability

  5. Artificial intelligence

  6. Real-time analytics

  7. Increased storage and data memory power

  8. Secure cloud computing

  9. Virtualization

  10.  The emerging 5G telecommunications infrastructure

For 5G widely implemented, end-to-end secure telecommunication is compulsory, quantum encryption plays a role in rapidly growing IoT connectivity.

In the aspect of security issues, IoT will definitely collect big data from all end-users, which may be personal and should not be leaked to any party without permission. Also, there is a possibility that the system can be hacked due to poor passwords, and weak security protocol that hackers can bypass the authentication of the system. Since the advancement of technology is blooming drastically, all systems connecting with IoT should update their software from time to time. However, we should also note that some vulnerabilities in the systems' implementation can contribute to side-channel attacks.

It is believed that quantum computers can provide more secure communication against data breaches, authentication, malware, and ransomware with a faster validation process.

Therefore, security plays an important aspect in IoT. Cryptographic algorithms will secure the communication in the form of validation and verification. These rely on public-key schemes, their encryption could be hacked by quantum computers. On the other hand, quantum cryptography provides un-hackable algorithms to secure networks of devices and data. Governments and companies need to invest in quantum technology for better security and transmission speed in IoT.

New policies will emerge due to new cutting-edge technology in the areas of:

  1. Ethics

  2. Interoperability protocols

  3. Cybersecurity

  4. privacy/surveillance

  5. Complex autonomous systems

  6. Best commercial practices



