Episode 40 The Mix Voice

What is mix and how do we mix?

1. Firstly, we should know what is vocal register

  1. chest voice
  2. falsetto
  3. vocal fry
We can practise and see the difference by saying a dialogue.
"Hello, my name is xxx"

2. the mix

There are one more vocal register when sining, i.e., blend between different vocal registers. Let's try to make a very smooth transition of vocal registration, good coordination

3. songs and the mix

If we know how to mix, we can sing with ease.
Bruno Mars talking to the moon
We can sing in falsetto (too weak) or chest voice (too much air, pressure, shouting, changing the volume). However, the voice would be too light or too heavy which is not good to the taste of the song. It depends on the colour the artist wants to express. We need to find the middle ground to express the song. 

4. cracking is the mix code

We need to know what mix is, there are two things:

A. Vocal Cords

We need to have compression control. We can practice the control by saying a dialogue from light voice to heavy voice. Making variation help you coordinate your voice with good control. Gradation of compression can help you to make the mix more smoothly. The optimal voice is not breathy or not a compressed voice all in the way in the song.

B. Head Resonance

If we push all the air out of the mouth, we are making chest voice resonance in dominance, then the voice becomes very loudly and we may use much of our air. What we want is to keep all the air flow with the same volume and pace throughout a sentence. So, we make the air stay in the head, falsetto, while the vocal cord in the state of compression. In combination, we are doing
head airflow + chest compression


bub bub bub bub
8       5        3      1 
do’  sol     mi    do
Female:strong voice
Male:high and light and easy mix voice 
Both sing the exact same pitch
Try not to push or spread the voice and sing in a light no compressed manner, in head-voice, no spread out of voice.