Episode 12 - Cracking

  1. Cracking

i. It is a good thing. If it didn’t crack, it will hurt the cord. It is protection.
It is to balance the force on the vocal cord, the pressure on it.
if the cord can’t relieve the pressure, the voice would get hurt many more time. It can let go and crack to protect your voice

ii. It is essential for us to mix
if not cracking, not working on the mix correctly
crack happens where the mix occurs
you’ve been able to crack as you’re working
work through the territory you want to crack

iii. Compression
it is the means by which you’re going to find the ability to not crack
when cord comes together really really hard, there will be a lot of compressions
The opposite is air leakage, not a clear sound
The appropriate one is the cord comes together with clean and solid with a little bit of compression will create a clear sound

go higher=> tighter they’re lengthening out and tend to come apart to relieve the compression
if none will sound like Mickey Mouse and complete head voice than you want
if too much, straining and gripping the cords

we need crack to find the head voice
we need strain to find the balance of compression

Compression balance exercise
gig gig gig gig gig — to access the mix
whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo — wrong singing method

Breath Support
if you slam the air
air will get out of the cord very quickly, the compression is too much,
the cord will strain up and keep you from cracking for a while
make sure to have a steady kind of breath (si……………….)